Friday, December 28, 2012

January 19th Flea.o.logy at Olson's Garden Shoppe!

Now that all the fun of the Christmas season is behind us ... I am starting to feel a bit of longing for those good old junking days of summer!!

Fortunately none of us have to wait for sunny days to get in some junking fun!!  Round up your girl friends, or your brothers or your wife or cousins ... just make plans to come down to Olson's Garden Shoppe on January 19th from 10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.  at 1190 West 400 North, Payson.  We are just 40 minutes south of Sandy, and the freeway is all construction free!! We have 25 dealers who are all gathering up the goodies just for you!!
Yep, you can reject a snowy reality that keeps you from going to yard sales and flea markets, because in this alternate reality, you get to go to one of your favorite flea markets  in January, come snow or shine!!

All of these pictures are from our flea.o.logy sale at Olson's last year ... help us spread the word!! The more the merrier!