Hi All, its your flea.o.logist, Paula here .... I just finished posting about flea.o.logy on my own blog, pollyanna-reinvents.blogspot.com, and thought I would just put the whole blog post here for those of you who missed the sale, or who are interested in revisiting a super fun day!!
Flea.o.logy day ... I still love it after all these years ... a lot of work, absolutely, adrenalin, a must, exhaustion at the end of the day, definitely. But after doing 4 or more sales a year for 9 years, I still love it. Here are some pics and notes on the sale last weekend, here in Payson Utah, with a total of 36 dealers.
This is a closeup of a spot in my space ....
This picture shows about half of my space ...
The side by side Victorian secretary got a new home, it turned out so nicely I was so tempted to keep it.
I thought this was the most unusual find of the whole sale.
This new dealer came over from Vernal to join us!
Love the random pics, like my sons chatting ... please note the disembodied arm.
This is Dealer Dru's third flea.o.logy ... she is a smashing addition to our show!!
The Scottish festival was going on in town too, fortunately for us the fliers they sent out were misprinted with the address as 250 N. Main, instead of 250 S. Main ... we are at 218 N Main, and the crowd we attract on our own, made us look like a festival ... it was super fun to meet lots and lots of men, and ladies in kilts!
This dealer had rusty antique keys available for a buck ... not bad when I am seeing them at antique stores these days for $5!
This charming fretwork and picket surround found a new owner at the sale, namely me ... It was just $125 and will perfectly span the last open bit of my soon to be fenced back yard ... I am pretty sure I couldn't have found the components for the amount I paid, and Mr. Fleaology, has just a little less work in his future!! Thanks dealers Vicki and Mark from Bountiful's Pick it Vintage!!
If you've followed me for long, you know how I love a pennant banner, there were several dealers sporting them... it makes it feel so festive ... sort of like a circus!!
This part of the venue is my back lawn, leading to my garden house ...
With the Cravings Truck serving up gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, and the Snowie truck making healthy slushies, we were all set!!
A couple more shots of Jennine's booth, who's stuff I always adore ...
and lest you think I forgot to take pictures of 2 Pits of a Pear's set up, (as if) they are getting their own blog post ... I adore there goodies, and it was super fun to hear their stories of selling at the Farm Chicks sale this year!! So stay tuned!
Of course Liz, our resident face painter did her usual amazing work... and she will also be featured in my future post about a funny thing that happened at flea.o.logy with our four Lizs in all!!
Thanks for stopping by to enjoy flea.o.logy ... this cute couple came at the end. They live in town, but have never stopped before. But when they saw this carved rooster, as they drove by, they knew they had to stop at flea.o.logy for the first time. Don't you think they look happy that they did?