My knickerbockers are always a little treasure when I find them. Shown are some that I have crocheted outfits for, these are characters from Nursery Rhymes they are The Queen of Hearts, Humpty Dumpty, Little Boy Blue and Little Miss Muffet (Note her spider on her dress 'beside her')
The dolls above are dressed as flowers and the one to the left is the lilac girl.
Thanks LaVern. She has now been entered twicein our drawing for a $50 gift certificate at our May 5th fleaology. Once for telling us what her favorite fleaology finds are and once for sending pictures.
You can enter too. Our deadline is Wednesday May 2nd.
For one entry: Comment in a contest post what your favorite. fleaology find was.
For two entries: Send us a picture or more and a comment about what your favorite fleaology find was.
For three entries: Blog about your favorite find and send us a link.
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